Complex IT centres require to keep temperature and humidity within very strict parameters. This is particularly difficult due to extremely variable thermal loads, that require very high cooling capacity at full load, in order to avoid to compromise the correct operation of the IT machines when they are more necessary. The massive use of the new inverter technology on HPAC units for technical rooms, makes possible to keep ambient temperature and humidity constant even with very strong loads variations, preventing dangerous temperature variations, almost unavoidable with traditional ON/OFF compressor driven units.
Ductable close control units air-conditioners with capacity ranging from 7 to 150 kW for vertical installation and cooling only, with optional heating by means of heating elements and hot water, optional humidifier and dehumidifier for precise temperature and humidity control. Particularly suitable for air conditioning technological, servers and IT rooms and all technological applications in general. The INVERTER compressor allows the cooling capacity modulation according to the real internal load, particularly efficient at the partial loads and optimizing the power absorbed and eliminating the start current. Units fitted with electronic expansion valve and EC INVERTER fans, upflow or downflow.